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  • Category: Coffee Machines
  • Date: 23 Feb,2024

How is coffee brewed in a semi-automatic espresso machine?

It has been established that coffee and its glorious caffeine, is a gift to humankind

John Doe, company.com
Category:Coffee Machines
Date:23 Feb, 2024

The answer to this boils down to the serving size of your cuppa. An espresso cup holds 30-40ml, while a standard coffee mug holds 240-350ml of liquid.According to the National Coffee Association, in the US, a standard cup of black coffee contains about 100mg of caffeine per cup. While a typical espresso contains around 80mg.However, because an espresso contains less liquid; we tend to drink it a lot faster than a mug of coffee, and that can cause a quick energy jolt! In the end, a mug of coffee still has more caffeine than an espresso.

Any person reading this knows that coffee is one exceptional drink; with its vast history, and variety that could make any coffee lover feel a tad overwhelmed.It has been established that coffee and its glorious caffeine, is a gift to humankind. However, as curious beings; we may still have questions about the mystical caffeine we love so dearly.Tea typically has less caffeine than coffee, and people tend to experience different effects when they drink coffee or tea.

Super simple and not time-consuming at all, good old, scrambled eggs on toast are the main go-to breakfast for most of us during the week. We recommend pairing this one with a strong black filter coffee such as Importers Italian Filter Coffee or a shot of Lavazza Deciso

It was commonly known for the Kopi Luwak coffee to be the most expensive coffee in the world, which is processed from the Indonesian civet cat dung. Yes, cat dung. However, we are here to tell you that this is old news, because as a matter of fact the most luxurious coffee now comes from Thailand. Also processed in a similar way to Kopi Luwak, this now most expensive and rare coffee is called ‘Black Ivory’ and it has its name for good reasons. The coffee beans are hand-picked from Elephant dung in Thailand! The price of one 35 grams pack of this coffee on the Black Ivory website costs $120 USD, that’s a whopping R1810 for 35 grams of coffee! Would you be willing to splurge that kind of money to try the world’s most exclusive coffee??


We all have moods: mood is defined as “a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion”. Just like the weather, our moods change. We all experience bad days, but just like a good friend Coffee is always there to lift you up.

John Doe, company.com
Tags: Coffee Machines

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