"Procuct Name","Procuct Slug Name","Main Category Name","Sub Category Name","Product Price","Sale Price","Final Price","Product Brand","Product Lable","Tax","Tax Status","Product Weight","Product Stock","Stock Status","Low Stock Threshold","Procuct Description","Procuct Detail","Procuct Specification" "Milky Soft Body Wash for Babies, 400 ml","milky_soft_body_wash_for_babies,_400_ml","Baby Soap & Wash","Baby Soap & Wash","","","0","TinyTots Essentials","New","CGST","taxable","","","in_stock","","Body washes for babies are typically formulated to be gentle and mild on their delicate skin. The term ""Milky Soft"" suggests a focus on a soft and soothing formula. Baby body washes are often labeled as hypoallergenic, meaning they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin.","Body washes for babies are typically formulated to be gentle and mild on their delicate skin. The term ""Milky Soft"" suggests a focus on a soft and soothing formula. Baby body washes are often labeled as hypoallergenic, meaning they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin.","Body washes for babies are typically formulated to be gentle and mild on their delicate skin. The term ""Milky Soft"" suggests a focus on a soft and soothing formula. Baby body washes are often labeled as hypoallergenic, meaning they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin."