"Procuct Name","Procuct Slug Name","Main Category Name","Sub Category Name","Product Price","Sale Price","Final Price","Product Brand","Product Lable","Tax","Tax Status","Product Weight","Product Stock","Stock Status","Low Stock Threshold","Procuct Description","Procuct Detail","Procuct Specification" "Off Black Culottes","off_black_culottes","westen top","westen top","100","","100","CHANEL","Armani","GST","taxable","","100","","2","Culottes are an item of clothing worn on the lower half of the body. The term can refer to either split skirts, historical men's breeches, or women's underpants; this is an example of fashion-industry words taken from designs across history, languages and cultures, then being used to describe different garments, often creating confusion among historians and readers. The French word culotte is a pair of panties, pants, knickers, trousers, shorts, or breeches; derived from the French word culot, meaning the lower half of a thing, the lower garment in this case.","Culottes are an item of clothing worn on the lower half of the body. The term can refer to either split skirts, historical men's breeches, or women's underpants; this is an example of fashion-industry words taken from designs across history, languages and cultures, then being used to describe different garments, often creating confusion among historians and readers. The French word culotte is a pair of panties, pants, knickers, trousers, shorts, or breeches; derived from the French word culot, meaning the lower half of a thing, the lower garment in this case.","Culottes are an item of clothing worn on the lower half of the body. The term can refer to either split skirts, historical men's breeches, or women's underpants; this is an example of fashion-industry words taken from designs across history, languages and cultures, then being used to describe different garments, often creating confusion among historians and readers. The French word culotte is a pair of panties, pants, knickers, trousers, shorts, or breeches; derived from the French word culot, meaning the lower half of a thing, the lower garment in this case."