"Procuct Name","Procuct Slug Name","Main Category Name","Sub Category Name","Product Price","Sale Price","Final Price","Product Brand","Product Lable","Tax","Tax Status","Product Weight","Product Stock","Stock Status","Low Stock Threshold","Procuct Description","Procuct Detail","Procuct Specification" "Ajanta's Quartz Exclusive Analog Wrist Watches for Women","ajanta's_quartz_exclusive_analog_wrist_watches_for_women","Watches For Women","Watches For Women","99","140","99","Clothes","New","CGST","taxable","","50","in_stock","5","Ajanta Quartz Exclusive Analog Wrist Watches for Women are more than just timepieces - they are exquisite pieces of jewelry that capture the essence of grace, femininity, strength, and confidence.","Ajanta Quartz Exclusive Analog Wrist Watches for Women are more than just timepieces - they are exquisite pieces of jewelry that capture the essence of grace, femininity, strength, and confidence.","Ajanta Quartz Exclusive Analog Wrist Watches for Women are more than just timepieces - they are exquisite pieces of jewelry that capture the essence of grace, femininity, strength, and confidence."