"Procuct Name","Procuct Slug Name","Main Category Name","Sub Category Name","Product Price","Sale Price","Final Price","Product Brand","Product Lable","Tax","Tax Status","Product Weight","Product Stock","Stock Status","Low Stock Threshold","Procuct Description","Procuct Detail","Procuct Specification" "Marauders","marauders","New Arrivals","New Arrivals","1000","10","1000","GameWave","GameMinds","CGST","taxable","","100","","2","The Marauders created the Marauder's Map, a magical map that showed the location of everyone in Hogwarts. They also developed the Animagus forms of James (Prongs), Sirius (Padfoot), and Remus (Moony).","The Marauders created the Marauder's Map, a magical map that showed the location of everyone in Hogwarts. They also developed the Animagus forms of James (Prongs), Sirius (Padfoot), and Remus (Moony).","The Marauders created the Marauder's Map, a magical map that showed the location of everyone in Hogwarts. They also developed the Animagus forms of James (Prongs), Sirius (Padfoot), and Remus (Moony)."